i have been taking shots. like thirty of them. i think i might die. luckly they were all just papst shots. i tell you what. (let me repeat) I tell you what! thoes beer in shot form is dangerous. but i survived. It was me gabe and his girlfriend natilie. and we are all in trouble. they have gone to bed by now. so i have an entire house to myself. and best of all i get natilie's moms bed. fuck yea, reed style! tehy have this god, i mean dog named. something. she is very cool. i got her do dance with me, and we were sparing. i would throw a radicle U punce at her and she'd growl at me and run away, then i push her a bit and growl back and she'd try to get fiesty with me. and then walk away. and im repeat mode this was our dance. She has no tail. funny. it wasn't dockes or anything when she was a puppy, it was amputated, adn now there is nothing. it is pretty funny. i thought she was a strange breed at first.
well now i go to bed, tomorrow is my day off, and i hope to hear from you all. and maybe to get drunk off of some wisky. because wishky is bad ass. vodka is for pussys. just to inform yo all.
good night, oya-sumi. bunas noches.