this is really really important and i dont think people pay enough attention to whats going on around them. a great example is the fact that less then half of eligible voters age 18 to 25 voted in the last presidential election. now is your chance to make up for not raising your voice. start paying attention, regardless of your political beliefs, the government is represenative of the people, they are to be held accountable to us for their actions. contact you congressional represenatives of your state, write a letter to the white house. the minutes of the downing street memo must be investigated and if found to be accurate the president must be held accountable for his actions. lying to congress is an impeachable offense, we must stop being passive bystanders while our soilders are dying in a war based on a lie. it is past time to start asking questions, we must demand an investigation and demand answers that as a democratic nation we deserve and are entitled to. apathy is the downfall of democracy, inaction is not a solution, one letter, five minutes, can make a huge difference. people need to stop believing their voice doesnt count or wont be heard, it will. the media needs to be urged to bring this information to americans, this document surfaced 2 months ago in the Uk and today was the first day it has even been mentioned on mainstream US news outlets. this is unacceptably outrageous. do something!

read the memo at and find the address of your represenatives in congress at the democratic congressmen and women had a meeting today regarding this, pushed out of the way in a room below congress while the republican congress members schedualed 11 very important votes knowing full well they would not have the usual democratic opposition. republicans are not adressing nor denying this issue, if the american people are not outraged by this then something is wrong and we deserve the consequences of not holding the president accountable, of allowing him to lie to congress, to our soilders, their famalies, and each and every one of us. we are paying for this lie with the lives of our loved ones and innocent civilians abroad.

I know i'm repeating myself, but...


Thursday 16 June 2005 at 8:41 pm

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