eenie was gonna stay with us but then he found some cooler peeps to chill wit', i guess we're not good enough for him, :( !!! give us a call tomarrow so we can hang out, kadens here and he wants to play with you, eli has to work so i'll be bored all day if you don't call me, then i'll cry, you don't want to make me cry do you? cause' i can cry on command, ask eli, i can also steal your shoe and throw it really far so you have to hop on one foot to retreive it while avoiding piles of dog poo, also i can give one hell of a mean wedgie, the kind that seperates the elastic waistband from the other parts of your girly panties, ask zac "my car has no door handles, and is an extreme fire hazard, but it goes really fast and has cool racing seatbelts" melleker, he knows first hand what i'm talking about, so dont mess around an be all avoidy sarah and eli on sunday day, i'll cook for you cause i want to buy your friendship :P, CALL US
Saturday 19 March 2005 at 4:32 pm
whoah! sarah, I told max to tell you guys that i was going to stay on this side of town because my brother (who was supposed to watch my parents house) went out of town, and i need to cover him. so i will see you guys tomarrow. There is nothing against you, but ive been drinking and stuff. bye.
Saturday 19 March 2005 at 4:32 pm
whoah! eenie, i was just kidding, its just that i got mad and ate the mint that i so sweetly placed on your pillow for you right next to your fruitbasket :P
Saturday 19 March 2005 at 4:32 pm


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