Head, from Korn, getting babtised in the river jordan. What a fucking crazy world, huh?

I just got back from the computer lab. I've spent way too much time there in the past three days. Sunday, i logged damn near 8 hours, monday a good 4 and today, probably around 4 as well. All for a silly program that manually resolves domain names to IP addresses. It seems like it'd be easy, right? FUCK NO, whoever designed the DNS protocol was a fucking madman. I don't think i've ever been so confused, and the only resource i had to reference was THIS. Seriously, go look at it -- fuck, huh?

i know i'm just bitching, but i think it is well founded. this week, month, term has been insane. I can't wait to go home. I plan to hug jeryl, slap wispy, hatespoon tallon, high-five een, say hi to sarah and maybe makeout with eli, if he is lucky.

anyway, i just remembered i have to go back to the lab to print off a fucking report. DAMNIT.


printf("qcount: 0x%01X\n", response.dn_qcount);


Tuesday 08 March 2005 at 9:13 pm

Two comments

Is the title of this post some kind of joke in really smart person talk? Or just an error?

By the way, I'm really glad to know that you've spent eight hours on someone else's computer. It makes be feel less bad about 1-2 hours at a time on my computer. :)
Jon K
Tuesday 08 March 2005 at 9:13 pm
after i format my datagram and send it to the nameserver, i get back a response packet and stick it into a custom-made struct which i created an instance of (response). The title of the post simple prints out the qcount in hex, which corresponds to the # of questions i 'asked' the nameserver.

Tuesday 08 March 2005 at 9:13 pm


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