First off, Suspended Animation is amazing. Truly crazy.

Second of all, have any of you seen my motivation? I have no motivation to do anything these days. I came into work early to get some work done and ended up watching soccer on TV. I don't even like soccer, what the fuck is wrong with me?

This term needs to end, soon. It started out all fine-and-dandy, but as things progressed, it became a little much. All of my classes have at least one assignment due per week plus a lab plus a bi-weekly project. Schoolwork coupled with my work at The Daily Barometer has left me little time to have fun and stuff.

I just want to hibernate. Spring break, get here ASAP. S.O.S.H.E.L.P.



Tuesday 08 March 2005 at 1:39 pm

Two comments

i am on my way over to give you an erotic rubdown, you sexbeast
Tuesday 08 March 2005 at 1:39 pm
just think of the good oll 40 drinkin days at lazerbeams and come down soon, well get some beer, some bitches, and then get drunk and make them leg wrestle for hours!
Tuesday 08 March 2005 at 1:39 pm


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