Picked up the new mars volta at Sam Goody for 8 bucks.

Contrary to what eric has told you, it is pretty rockin. I do agree that there sections of the album that are rediculous and unnecessary.
This album does confuse me.

Eric told me his copy was exactly 80 minutes long. Mine is 76 minutes.
I also dont understand the way the album is cut up into tracks. There are 12 tracks, yet the way that the songs are described on the back of the cd there should be 15, or 5, or 9, or something. I can't find any reason for there to be 12 tracks. And from what ive been able to tell from reading the lyrics, it seems the last song is cut up into 7 tracks, even though there are 5 "movements".

I would agree that the lyrics are silly as well. Kind of a 21st century version of Rush's silly lyrics.
"Dance upon the Wizard's Breath....."

I guess this album is fucking horrible if you want it to be though.

Frances the Mute


Sunday 06 March 2005 at 6:25 pm

Fifteen comments

Quoth een: "I guess this album is fucking horrible if you want it to be though."

Sunday 06 March 2005 at 6:25 pm
well eric I see your point of view in that anything that you want to be bad, can be bad. It's easy to hate anything, if you want to. I guess the same is true for thinking something is good also. Ill admit there are bands i hate because i want to, but I honastly tried to be objective when listening to this album and I thought it was good, despite some defactors.
Sunday 06 March 2005 at 6:25 pm
it's just as easy to write TOOL off as pretentous elitists, and hate their music. something a lot of people do. I point i understand, but don't necessarily agree with because I like their music.
Sunday 06 March 2005 at 6:25 pm
i talk shit about the mars volta to get a rise out of you. i guess i just don't see their appeal.

also, you forgot that TOOL is infallible, like the pope!
Sunday 06 March 2005 at 6:25 pm
damn, you are right. Plus they have big dicks
Sunday 06 March 2005 at 6:25 pm
yeah the tracks are fucked up. it really pisses me off cause i dont konw if i got a defective copy with 12 tracks or are they just trying to mess with our heads by having tracks that dont match up. either way the album is outstanding although filler kinda dilutes the intensity.
Sunday 06 March 2005 at 6:25 pm
every single second on this album(that they didnt make for you, or for you to love or hate) was important to them..its kinda like building something for your own personal satisfaction...something that only you can understand and be proud of...and sharing it with the world. we should feel lucky that they even spent months writing this and had courage to show it, because it spits in the face of most other garbage on the cd shelves. one mans filler is another mans masterpiece.
Sunday 06 March 2005 at 6:25 pm
and the tracks dont add up because they originally wanted just the five main ones...but their label would only see it as an e.p. (alot less press. and money behind it) if they did that...so it had to be broken up into 12
frank (yet again)
Sunday 06 March 2005 at 6:25 pm
i think you're giving them too much credit, frank.
Sunday 06 March 2005 at 6:25 pm
the filler's some of the best stuff on there...like the transition btw the first suite and "the widow"... beautiful in headphones! it's like more developed pink floyd ambience. great stuff, but not for everyone i suppose!
Sunday 06 March 2005 at 6:25 pm
I had to cut my copy up, i mean remix. I cut out a lot of the bad ambient stuff and added the 'decoder' track- "frances the mute", it works much better that way. TRT: 78:31. Leaner, meaner, and cleaner.
Sunday 06 March 2005 at 6:25 pm
what "decoder" track. What does that mean?
Sunday 06 March 2005 at 6:25 pm
it is fucking ridiculous if you have to remix an album yourself to make it good.
Sunday 06 March 2005 at 6:25 pm
but what the fuck is a decoder track goddamnit!!
Sunday 06 March 2005 at 6:25 pm
"Coinciding with the album's release is that of the self-titled single, a one-track, 15-minute 12" which serves as a "decoder" for the remainder of the album. To clarify, the title track of the album is, in fact, not actually on the album."
Sunday 06 March 2005 at 6:25 pm


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