I went and saw Sage Francis on Sunday. He put on a damn good show, despite his damaged throat (which he will have to get surgery to fix). The show was tight, but the crowd, they were terrible. There were kids smoking cigarettes next to me and some frat boys in front of me, popped collars and all.
Jared Paul was doing some spoken word poetry about being a social worker (depressing stuff about adoption and molestation) and the frat boys were making out with their girlies. it was weird. it seemed like they were missing the point.
but yeah, i am so damn ready for this term to be over. I spent friday AND saturday night doing homework, finishing at midnight. almost too much to handle. i tried to pound out this Patrick Wolf interview / record review (check him out -- he's goddamn good) and i can't even write very well, i'm totally oversaturated. it will all be over soon.
i love you all.
Eraq - get some Vitamin E pills and take like one everyday for about a month, seriously, you'll heal up quick.
eric is mine. pierce your own dick.
Eric, I've always identified you to your wickedawesome lip ring. You're going to get rid of that?
Ah, well. Maybe I can start identifying you to the armband you wear in all your pictures or something.
Sarah -- was the 'awesome hair' comment sarcastic? I fucking hate my hair...