maynard.JPG!Taken from

Q: You once wrote/said: "Ignorant heterosexuals are right to fear the gay community. They are the future. Our future. The next step in our evolution." What did you mean by that?

MJK: I was being flippant. The homophobic non-empathetic male leaders of this world who believe man was granted dominion over the earth by God are doing everything in their power to butt-rape this planet. However, this planet is far smarter than we are. I believe she has presented a solution. If the current state of men cannot discover compassion for this planet on their own, the earth will bear males who are made up entirely of compassion, emotion, empathy, and impeccable taste in shoes. It's this sort of theory and philosophy that's kept me virtually anonymous in the eyes of pop culture.

Why I Still Love Maynard:


Sunday 20 February 2005 at 10:57 pm

Three comments

eli had a good point, that last line is a blatent Bill Hicks rip off!
Sunday 20 February 2005 at 10:57 pm
if you dedicate an album to the man, especially an album like aenima, i think you can step on his material a bit.
Sunday 20 February 2005 at 10:57 pm
no i agree... just pointing out the parralel
Sunday 20 February 2005 at 10:57 pm


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