Went and saw Subtle at WOW hall again. Joined with Mike and Corey (Corvallis friends), we met up with Jeryl, Darla, Jon and Valium. Amazing show. The crowd was a little strange (I would have never thought you could grind to F.K.O.), but the performance was rock solid, as usual. I got my copy of The Pelt signed by Dose himself and got another chance to ninja-pose with one Dax Pierson. for true.

A gift to Beard-o from the all-knowing Eugene Sci-Fi band, Launchpad.

Doseone, on the mic, bitches.

Dose, singing into Beard-o's hat.


Subtle vs. Eugene, round II


Saturday 19 February 2005 at 2:35 pm

Three comments

thats awesome eric, i wish i could have gone up and seen it with you guys. tonight was a shit storm! i had a party at my parents place, it was all chill till becker and some dudes were talkin shit to my friend def dan (hes really def) which is fucked. they also talked shit to my friend dylan who has a blown ACL (all this happened durring a freestyle rap circle) dylan got way pissed and punched becker....an end table got thown into a wall, a lamp got broken, i witnest irish pat kick dylan in the head twice while he was curled up on the ground, dylan got kicked in his torn ACL knee and fucked it up even more, and losts more shit got talked on both sides. luckly andy haro was there to help break it up and called becker a meat head mother fucker. fuck i hate drama, i hate fighting(probably the most ignorant thing you could do) and i miss all of you chill dudes who want nothing more than to chill, drink beer, listen to music, and try to pimp on a girl or two. sorry to write this all but i had to get it out. love you all, wispy
Saturday 19 February 2005 at 2:35 pm
thanks eric, you're the best we ever had.
jeryl & the crew
Saturday 19 February 2005 at 2:35 pm
your the best i never had!
Saturday 19 February 2005 at 2:35 pm


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