first, i have added my last four covers made for the diversions section of The Daily Barometer. Peep them HERE.

but yeah, this week has been insane. i thought it would be easy (easier at least), but alas, it turned out to be terrible. this is the first spare moment i've had in the last four days. weak sauce. i wish i didn't care so much, i think i'd be much happier.

anyway, Nintendo was awesome. In the span of 3 days, I don't think I've ever had that much fun. It was crazy. I am really sick of telling my stories, but here's a quick rundown:

day 1:

0500 - wake up, shower, pack pickup, head to PDX
0545 - realize i woke up and hour early, i was supposed to get up at 0600.
0800 - arive at PDX and check in. end up getting bumped to the 0830 flight. yes!
1000 - land at sea-tac. eat some food, take a taxi to the westin.
1100 - take a quick cat nap, then a shower, then watch judge joe brown
1330 - meet the 30 other college journalists in the lobby for the bus ride to Nintendo
1400 - arive at Nintendo, tour DigiPen & NOA's central office, didn't meet mario/ zelda:(
1730 - take bus back to seattle for dinner
1830 - sit down for a 3 hour dinner with an open bar. drink lots of free beer with Tom.
1900 - drunk, i realize that this is the high-point of the trip. (good guys, good beer)
2200 - arive back at hotel, drunk, only to find a gift back on my bed filled with swag.
2300 - fall asleep while watching The Simpsons.

day 2:

0730 - wake up late, rush to the westin's ballroom.
0800 - drink coffee, discuss previous day with the crew
0900 - play Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (best game ever) for an hour
1000 - speeches from some of the Nintendo big-wigs.
1001 - I realize that even the Nintendo corpos are awesome.
0000 - the rest of the day was a blur of interviews, food and gameplaying. epic.
2300 - after roaming downtown with the boys, i fall asleep watching The Simpsons

day 3:

0730 - wake up late again (what the fuck is wrong with me) -- rush to checkout
0800 - realize flight doesn't leave until 1130 (what the fuck is wrong with me)
0900 - get bumped to earlier flight (now this is where it gets interesting)
0910 - checkin -- person working desk types on computer, gives me weird look
0911 - i ask if something is wrong -- person holds up finger in "wait" gesture
0912 - smiling, she looks at me and tells me i'm clear to board
0915 - head to tarmac, board plane.
0916 - look around plane
0916 - turn to flight attendant
0917 - ask "am i the only passenger on this flight?"
0917 - flight attendant answers: "yep."
0920 - take off with 4 people on plane -- pilot, co-pilot, flight attendant, me
0921 - realize i could masturbate at no consequence.
0922 - realize that would be wrong at this juncture
1000 - arive at PDX, make trek back home.

fucking. amazing. trip.
i. love. nintendo.
i. also. love. you. all.

what was your first reaction?


Thursday 17 February 2005 at 12:06 am

Four comments

I would have jacked off. or fucked the flight attendant. even if it was a dude.
Thursday 17 February 2005 at 12:06 am
You're a lucky bastard, eric. I've also been on plane rides similar to that. Mine had more than 4 people on it, but it was still wierd.
Jon K
Thursday 17 February 2005 at 12:06 am
that one with the guitars is GENIOUS!!!!!!!!!
Thursday 17 February 2005 at 12:06 am
i agree with levi, should have done the flight attendant, even if it was a guy (but totally not in a gay way). sounds like an epic trip dude. i just got my wisdom teeth pulled, thats where im at
Thursday 17 February 2005 at 12:06 am


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