so, while i very regularly come to the site and check up, i realized that it's been quite some time since i posted... oops. but, it doesn't look like my absence has really put a damper on things, so good shit.

ecuador is still ecaudor. the other day i missed home and it was raining, so i decided walking in it would be a good idea. you know, make it feel a bit like home. really, it just resulted in a very cold and wet me. my feet were wet for hours. bleh. realized the other day that, while i thought i still had four months left, i really only have three. oh! well alrighty then.

so here's my current frustration: once again, i'm stuck in a situation where the thing that i want is so damn close, but geographical location prevents me from having it. the last time i dealt with this situation with this person was three years ago. honestly, i never thought it would even be a possibility again. yet once again, here we are, wishing that our repsective locations could be just a little closer to one another. *sigh* is it may yet? it's like a sick joke, this whole thing. so close... but so so far. lame.

yeah, that's what i got.


still here


Tuesday 15 February 2005 at 12:59 pm

Four comments

ps: does anyone know if job is still alive? and if he is, does anyone know how i might be able to get a hold of him?
Tuesday 15 February 2005 at 12:59 pm
Debbie! I got endysis to work here...for some odd reason I think they thought this site was naughty...hmmm. Anyhow, chin up, or whatever. Everything will work out in the end!
Tuesday 15 February 2005 at 12:59 pm
last i heard job was planning on moving to new york (in a few days i think) with his band. i have a cell phone number for him, but i never know whether it's current or not. also, his email is usually trustworthy. email me and i'll give you the celly number.
Tuesday 15 February 2005 at 12:59 pm
our situations being simialar, only completly different since you work and i travel. but i think you should fuck the dude, or dudete. and make the best of souroundings that are forien to you. out of our comfort zone we learn so much about ourselves. this is much more important than him. you are. i wish you sunshine. the weather i mean.
jon r
Tuesday 15 February 2005 at 12:59 pm


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