ecuador is still ecaudor. the other day i missed home and it was raining, so i decided walking in it would be a good idea. you know, make it feel a bit like home. really, it just resulted in a very cold and wet me. my feet were wet for hours. bleh. realized the other day that, while i thought i still had four months left, i really only have three. oh! well alrighty then.
so here's my current frustration: once again, i'm stuck in a situation where the thing that i want is so damn close, but geographical location prevents me from having it. the last time i dealt with this situation with this person was three years ago. honestly, i never thought it would even be a possibility again. yet once again, here we are, wishing that our repsective locations could be just a little closer to one another. *sigh* is it may yet? it's like a sick joke, this whole thing. so close... but so so far. lame.
yeah, that's what i got.