1. I would like to say first and foremost that I am sorry to hear about your friend eric. I felt sad just reading about it. It just seems like such a shame when things like this happen, especially in the way he went out. I guess that it should just be taken as a learning experiance for the rest of us about how fragile life really is.

2. To Jeffrey Goodell-
Live out your chimonic internet porn chat room fantasies somewhere else you CHIMO. When I read a comment and can tell that the person who wrote it was stroking themselves while typing it (or in this case, probably shoving Anime videos up their poopshoot), it makes me feel sick. The only people who get to try to score any poon from this site are the people who are on it (shut up eric). Not you. And stop stealing panties and dryer lint from the dorm laundry rooms you pervert. Not every site is like your "nude celebrity pic message board". You are disgusting.

3. FANTOMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOCUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TREVOR DUNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To the world.....


Tuesday 08 February 2005 at 10:24 am

One comment

eens like the big brother i never had, i love een
Tuesday 08 February 2005 at 10:24 am


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