I got a low B on my first Bio test. I didn't even think I was going to pass it. School this term is really getting to me and we've still got a term and a half until summer. If this term kills my 4.0 I'll be pissed at myself. I decided that I'm most likely going to change my major, so pretty soon I'll be going to the RN (registered nurse) program at SOU and then probally go on to get my nurse practicioner, ideally, I've decided, that I want to be a Psych Nurse it will cut about 3 years from my school, I'll be making about the same, maybe more, and I get to work hands on with patients instead of just shoving pills down their throats, and raping their bank accounts.
Zach tried to fuck with me last night and I gave him the single most awesome wedgie ever, put a hole in his hanes, john has pics, they are pretty funny I'll try to remember to get one some from him... About a week and a half ago was my birthday. 22 years old feel so weird. I know I'm not old by any means but I look back on all that has happened in the past 3 years and I feel like it's been an eternity and a half that has gone by. I swear I remember being 16 thinking I would never be 21 and now I find myself trying to slow time down. Weird how your perspective changes over such a short period of time. My dad has sent me flowers every year on my birthday for about 7 years now and he forgot to even call me this year! People get busy right? I'm going this weekend to get my first tattoo, my mom is paying for half of it for my b-day present. I'm really excited and I think Eli is sick of hearing about it. Anyhow we are going to the park today with Kaden and I'm going to shoot a couple rolls with my 35mm so I will post some pics soon. Hey Eric what the hell is all this stupid online poker / casino crap?
Oh yeah, Eli bought the new Smoke and Smoke album yesterday and it pretty much just kicks ass, I need to go listen to the rest of it Spencer Moody is something else. Go buy it.

Biology + Sarah = Headache


Sunday 30 January 2005 at 1:27 pm

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