hey foolks. i am in paris. it is ok. not great. i have been exploring ther city but today i am just reading at my hostel. my legs hurt and the city has lost it's apeal. my hostil is nice, but expensive. there is a bar and at first i wanted to go down to it. but was afraid. well it was not that good anyway. i have realized that this is not ther kind of socializing i am looking for. i dont want to party! it is hard to social ize with any one else because i dont speak french, and the french at least in paris dont have time for some american. i did spend the day yesterday eith a girl from dallas. melissa, she was very cool. and the dudes i have met in my rooms have been very cooll.
i am not liking paris though to be blunt. i a m depressed. i am thinking that amsterdam is next. tomorrow or the next. as far as sights go i have only been to churches, which are amazing. sacre de cure. and the dali museam. which is small but had great charcter. powerful music. and only weird obscure peices of his art. and a movie playng of his on repeat. a weird movie. anyway i love you all and will write again wen i get the chance this is am expensive computer to use.



Sunday 30 January 2005 at 02:32 am

Four comments

hang in there jon, im sure you need a day or two to adjust, take advantage of this trip because it probally wont happen again soon. have fun in amsterdam, maybe paris just isn't for you but you will find places that you will be more comfortable in im sure.
Sunday 30 January 2005 at 02:32 am
so, do the chicks not shave their pits or what?
Hostels are rad, check out their billboards, or travel stations, they can hook you up with some insider stuff. Hang tight, not all the French hate Americans - just mention Canada!
Sunday 30 January 2005 at 02:32 am
ha son Good vib's to you ,miss you so much
Sunday 30 January 2005 at 02:32 am
sarah's right, you'll adjust to lifes-love you be safe and have fun-if it's possible to have fun and be safe-last night i passed out on the sidewalk-love you
Sunday 30 January 2005 at 02:32 am


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