Alias: Pelican Sanders
Title: Godsmasher, esq.
Strengths: HTML, smiling, arm wrestling, tarot cards, battery eating, flying (but not really)
Weaknesses: Brunettes, communism, bullets.
Origin: Waking in a small thatched-roof hut, the man walked outside. The rolling hills were covered in a fine film of mist. He looked at his hands and realized that he had no idea who he was, how he got there or where his wallet was. He surveyed the house, nothing to be gained, save a few bamboo poles (which he fashioned into long spears). With his trusty spears in hand, he headed off towards the ever-looming mountains. After 13 years of walking, he realized he was on an island and had merely been going in circles, partly due to his compass being made of bamboo (not the same bamboo used to make the spears, though). After making a boat from bamboo (not the same kind used to make the compass, but the same kind used to make the spears), he set sail for the distant shores of wherever. He ate fish and talked to the dolphins (who talk mad trash, btw) to keep himself sane. Finally, he set foot on solid land. He was in New York. Then, he dated a model, did a lot of coke, joined a rehab group, started dating a fat chick, started working at best buy, saved his money, bought a computer and some bamboo, make another boat and went back to the island, laptop in hand (SO HE COULD USE THE INTERNET, STUPID). Best albums of 2004:
1.Madvillainn - madvillain
2.Dillinger Escape Plan - Miss Machine
3.Minus the Bear - They Make Beer Commercials.....
4.Subtle - a new white
5.Pinback - summer in abaddon
Best Songs I listened to a Lot of In 2004
1. The Locust - solar panel asses
2. Portishead - roads
3. Aphex Twin - any son
4. Dillinger Escape Plan - Sunshine the Werewolf
5. Madvillain - accordion
6. Salt 'n' Pepa - push it
Person who I could put on any list because they released way too much music this year (with one on the way):
Best Show of the Past Year:
Suble / Dillinger
runner up:
two drunk (and ugly) girls grinding on a pool table.
Best movies of 2004:
1. Life Aquatic
2. Eternal Sunshine
3. Life Aquatic
4. MTV's true life: I am eric (in production)
what I look forward to in 2005:
1. handjobs
2. from een
Best picture i've seen all year:
Runner up:
