ok so i havent posted in like 5 months but things have been crazy. i finished off last term in one piece and still managed to keep my 4.0 somehow, even after finding out too late that the chemistry class my advisor "advised" me to take didn't count for my degree which was awesome, $600.00 later. I'm back on track though and am trying to mellow out this term and only taking 12 credits so i can try and get my head together. christmas was awesome, eli got a new guitar from me and i got a new airport card from him, which rocks, now i dont have to be isolated to the back room in the cold to use the computer and he can download porn from the comfort of our bed...
kaden is doing well, he got entirely spoiled for christmas and has so many toys in his room now i have no place to put them and it looks like a hurricane went through it, my fault i guess, grandma got him a big ol' teepee and he hides from me in it. It has been snowing here on and off and i find myself wanting to be back in the moderate climate of san jose as i do every winter i am here, but then again the view of the moutains from our front porch of our new house is beautiful and i don't think i could give that up, so i guess ill brave another winter. looks like i will be transferring to sou soon to get started on some serious schooling, classes that arent offered at rcc that i need, its going to be rough but im looking forword to not having to drive to medford everyday. new years eve was a disaster me and eli both got a horrible stomach virus and were bedridden for 2 days causing him to have to cancel the hawk mordecai's first show, but besides that things are well. sorry this post was so boring guys but i guess i have to edge my way back into the swing of things...
by the way eric the site looks great i really like the new look, it adds a lot