yesterday was roommate day for my roommate and i. we haven't gotten to spend any time together lately, so we decided on her day off we would go shopping and hang out and all that good stuff. when we got home last night we cleaned the house up a little and then our friend alex called. he, along with his two roommates came over, and then our friend aaron stopped by. we proceeded to hang out and drink drink drink until it was time to drink no more. this morning when i woke up and surveyed the kitchen, it was a lovely sight. nothing but booze remains all over the counter.

this is what college is; hanging out, boozin' it up, and remembering some of it the next day. how i love it.

saw modest mouse on wednesday. they were awesome. by far one of the best performances i've ever seen. the two opening bands were.... well, the first one was the thermals. they were decent. a lot of their stuff sounded the same, but there were a few that i really enjoyed, and they weren't too bad onstage, either. but then the second band... i don't even remember their name. savage high? static high? something to that effect... . there was nothing good about them. their music was bad, their performance was bad, they didn't even dance well. it was painful. combine that with the assholes that were around me, and i was not a happy camper.

but then modest mouse took the stage and things got a little better. the assholes around me were still pissing me off, and i know more than one of them had big fat bruises the next day, courtesy of me (and no, it wasn't an accident). overall, a very good concert and a very good night. went with chrystal and we met up with sarah, ally, alex and nathan(!!!) who just got back from austria. i missed that kid. he's good people.

alright, i'm going to nurse my hangover and do charitable works for an underpriveledge family with my sorority. hooray hooray!!!


ahh, college


Friday 17 December 2004 at 1:13 pm

Seven comments

you're in a sorority? dag.
Friday 17 December 2004 at 1:13 pm
I love them sorority girls...oh lala wanna do some things with me
Friday 17 December 2004 at 1:13 pm
Pew on the opening bands Modest Mouse chose and pew on sororities. Pew.
Friday 17 December 2004 at 1:13 pm
pew on you chrystal, pew on you.

yes, i'm in a sorority. phi lambda omicron. it doesn't come up all that often, as it is not the centre of my universe, but we have some fun times, my sisters and i.

but yes, pew on the opening bands. pew.
Friday 17 December 2004 at 1:13 pm
Aw, girl. I miss you, too. I also seem to miss myself. Chat me up sometime.

Take care.
Friday 17 December 2004 at 1:13 pm
Auto Loans
Auto Loans
Friday 17 December 2004 at 1:13 pm
Auto Loans
Auto Loans
Friday 17 December 2004 at 1:13 pm


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