I finally just got back online after being computerless for almost a week. The puter lab sux and so do you.

I like how Eric just backed up what i said about Metal shows.

Nothing going on up here. Just movie popcorn, dreams of stripppers, and too much PBR.

Saw the movie CLOSER last night because I had nothing else to do. It drove me nuts. Julia Roberts looks like an elderly greyhound. Jude Law resembles a ten year old. Clive Owen is a pimp though, and Natalie Portman is a fox. You get to see her butthole. She plays a stripper.

Well, nothing else is going on. I think im going to see the INCREDIBLES and wait for something good to come out.


Keannu Reaves says: WHOA!


Wednesday 15 December 2004 at 4:11 pm

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