it's that time of year, everyone! yup, the time of year when deborah starts to have an emotional breakdown! no, but seriously, i think i'm losing my mind this time. for real. i have no idea what my problem is, but i cannot hang with life in general right now. it's a huge mystery to me, one that i don't know if i'll be able to crack for awhile. my advisor told me "don't lose your mind here, wait until you get to south america; it will be much more fun finding it down there." could be pretty sound advice, but cheleen is one of the craziest people i know, so... whatever.

still up in the grove. going to see modest mouse tonight with sarah, nathan, ally and alex, ally's boyfriend. it'll be the first time seeing nathan since last may; he just spend the semester in austria. so now that he's back, i'm leaving. damn my timing, it's always off, it seems. parents are less than thrilled about my smoking hobby. i find cigarettes to be rather enjoyable myself, but they don't really see it that way. go figure. however, in response to one of my friends when they asked me why on earth i smoke, i simply smiled and said "oh, i take great comfort in knowing that they may kill me before things get any worse." don't ever say bridget jones was worthless...i feel that is one of the most useful quotes ever.

this time last year i was getting ready to go to london. i kinda want to go back. a lot. and ireland. i think my sister and i may take a trip over there next fall. i'll just tell my professors i'm looking at grad schools; how can they get mad at me when i'm trying to further my education?

i can't handle sitting in the librabry any longer. i need to go clean my house and start to pack. hope everyone is well.




Wednesday 15 December 2004 at 11:22 am

One comment

if you're looking for a good time, i just had a blast going through the archives from the last year... we post some funny shit, guys!
Wednesday 15 December 2004 at 11:22 am


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