I got my guitar amp back from the shop yesterday. 3.5 months and $200 (I got them to drop 50 bucks off the price) later, I have a totally rewired, completely vintage 1967 Fender Blackface amp (Pre-CBS of course). Since it took so long for them to repair it, I convinced them to throw in a free reverb tank. It sounds supreme. Orgasmic even. I played for hours last night.
But yeah, redesign. I'm not sure about it. I need to polish some thigns up. It looks pretty bitchin in mozilla (gotta love the alpha-fade), but it's kind of slow (gotta hate the alpha-fade). Whatever.
Finals went well, I only had two, but they were in my most difficult classes (Operating Systems I and Software Engineering). I'm anxious to see how I did -- I put some serious effort forth. We'll see.
But yeah, updates will probably be pretty slow, I'm returning to the vortex of my parent's house -- fucking dialup. blah.
With that, I'll bid you all farewell. Much love.
PS it was pretty funny, and the site looks good. i like the colors, but wheres the pic on top?