Okay, so, I've had time to regenerate. It is slightly strange sleeping in this house alone -- generally it's constantly bustling with activity at all hours. It's kind of nice though, having the whole street to myself (this town has been evacuated). I'm slowly packing my belongings up, preparing to make the trek back to the valley.

I got my guitar amp back from the shop yesterday. 3.5 months and $200 (I got them to drop 50 bucks off the price) later, I have a totally rewired, completely vintage 1967 Fender Blackface amp (Pre-CBS of course). Since it took so long for them to repair it, I convinced them to throw in a free reverb tank. It sounds supreme. Orgasmic even. I played for hours last night.

But yeah, redesign. I'm not sure about it. I need to polish some thigns up. It looks pretty bitchin in mozilla (gotta love the alpha-fade), but it's kind of slow (gotta hate the alpha-fade). Whatever.

Finals went well, I only had two, but they were in my most difficult classes (Operating Systems I and Software Engineering). I'm anxious to see how I did -- I put some serious effort forth. We'll see.

But yeah, updates will probably be pretty slow, I'm returning to the vortex of my parent's house -- fucking dialup. blah.

With that, I'll bid you all farewell. Much love.

green like grass


Saturday 11 December 2004 at 12:22 pm

One comment

eric your a bitch. you find time to hack my profile before you find time to update your website.

PS it was pretty funny, and the site looks good. i like the colors, but wheres the pic on top?
Saturday 11 December 2004 at 12:22 pm


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