Hey everyone,
I just thought I'd let you all know that I am not gay. I never was and I never will be. Not that there's anything wrong with it. It's just not my bag, baby (bring back the austin powers references, very hetero).
Now people might be asking me where all this is coming from. They might be saying "Even though there was that time when you got drunk and starting licking the sweaty stinky greasy under carriage of Eric's Big Ole Titties, while he masturbated himself off into a gardenhose, while wispy had his mouth on the other end of that gardenhose and would put all of that beautiful hot stinking diet coke infested jiz in his mouth and spit it on your ass and smear it around with Scooter's ass, there's no reason why we would think you were gay. You are a poon machine. In your day we called you the Grim Reaper cause of all the bitchaz you murdered! We love you Een. Here's a dollar."

Soooo...,.Where was I?......hhhmmm...I dunno....

Happy Halloween everyone
I still havent decided what im going to be for halloween. I was thinking either MacGyver, bloody poop, or maybe, I dont know, GAY! Cuz if there's one thing Im not, it's gay, so it would be a good halloween costume right?
It's been exactly one year tomarrow night since the first time I saw and touched and licked my lady's boobies. Do you guys think I should get her a present or something. If so, what? I was thinking my big black juicy aids infested cock in her mouth, but that just the romantic in me.


ps. Smoke and Smoke's new album "Love Suffers Long" comes out tuesday, nov. 2nd. Buy it after you vote you stupid bitches! I hope george bush kills ashlee simpson and then himself.

Eric's Stinky Tits


Saturday 30 October 2004 at 11:38 am

Three comments

yea wispy is hella gay.
Jon R
Saturday 30 October 2004 at 11:38 am
well fuck you too!.....i like the bloody poop idea!
Saturday 30 October 2004 at 11:38 am
Saturday 30 October 2004 at 11:38 am


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