Last night was a good case of the sledg of old. My friend ashlei's cousin manages this band called Throwdown(or takedown, I dont remember) that was in town opening up for Children of Bodom, Fear Factory, and Lamb of God. A good old fashioned metal show at the Roseland. So we got put on "the list", and got backstage passes, and everything. After we realized that there was no beer for us back stage, we hit the bar. Throwdown was dudical. Played that HATEBREED style metal, and covered "Roots Bloody Roots" by Sepultera. My girlfriend got in the mosh pit. It was fun to watch her get the shit beat out of her. Just kiddin. Then Children of Bodom came on They were the most dudically rad awesome band Ive ever seen. They were like Iron Maiden, Manowar, Cradle of Filth, and Gangadank put together!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All the guitarists(there were like four of them) were playing flying v's. And they were from finland! I kept yelling "Blood and Guts. Blood and Guts." But the best part of the concert had to be the guy in the mosh pit. This guy was M-E-T-A-L. His hair was like four feet long and bleached blonde. He kept head banging and swinging his hair around, and stopped only to punch someone or flip of the band. We were watching him more then the show. The best way I could describe him is to say that he was the personal manifestation of the movie "Airheads". What a great flick.....and a great man......
Anyway after Children of Bodom we left cause we got bored and we ended up at Mary's- a strip Club just off Burnside. This place was interesting. The strippers had to get their music from the jukebox and there was only three of them. One chick could move her boobies the way that those wierd muscle-y guys can move their pecs. But there was one that was special. She stripped to (in order):
Ween - Bananas and Blow
Tom Waits - The Piano's Been Drinking
Lovage - To Catch a Thief
Ween - Mutilated Lips
Tool - Stinkfist
Fugazi(!) - Waiting Room
Anyway. I wanted to marry the shit out of her (I'd had a good 10 whiskey and cokes by this point) and had been tipping her with my girlfriends money. Then she came up to me and told me that I had to leave because I wasn't tipping enough. BITCH! So I went home, and got up hung over to take my math midterm. YAY!


The Sledg of Old


Friday 29 October 2004 at 12:30 pm

Two comments

that is an awesome story. striping to bananas and blow seems perfect.
Jon R
Friday 29 October 2004 at 12:30 pm
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Paige Vogel
Friday 29 October 2004 at 12:30 pm


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