today i talked to some dude in blackbird for like 30 minutes strait, while we were buying shoes. He was a fundamentalist christain, and served in the military for 20 something years. These two things make me want to judge him badly, but he was really cool. we talked about politics, then religion. he talked mostly. it was tough for me to get too many words in. the guy was fifty five and said he rode his bike 100 miles a day sometimes in his retirement.
his words of wisdom. all the ism's are bad. they seek to unify one portion of people, but at the same time make one group of people right and another wrong. communism, socialism, facism, nationalism. he talked of the bad things of religion and seemed like a very open guy. And he read east of eden by jon steinbeck. Do what thou mayest.
he made me think of things i had not thought of before.
And somehow, "team America; world police" reinforced alot of the thoughts about america.
P.S. awesomely radical movie.

Blackbirds is a good store


Friday 29 October 2004 at 12:05 am

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