i miss that lady. Do you remember her? on many ocassions i remember scaring the shit out of myself, with the feeling of her presence. Me and and Ian at the bar drinking, and then i think searching her out with guns. What fucking nuts. Anyway i think she is very real still. May, or Maybe not a whore, but a lady in her late twenties, and a darkness to her. maybe she was murdered at Lazerbeams?

Well, unrelated to that, i have been looking at a new way to live lately. i cannot fully sum it up now, so i will piece it together. I was thinking that good and bad are really subjective. I took a trip with my mom to the, and for most of the time we were both sad, and negetive. But by the end i was really sad to be leaving her and Katie, her german-shepard. It was a really good sad. I think i was happy to be missing her so much that it hurt to leave. (this is something i have noticed a lot lately about me. Sad goodbyes, and my gladness for them.)

Then there is women, (connection not yet clear). Fuck this is a tough one for me, you know to get some of them. Anyway, there are a few girls i like at school. For somereason i feel the need to be in love, to really try for any of them. Maybe this is so i don't have to put forth the effort. Also i have been questioning if i think i like the girls that i won't go for? The other day i started talking to this girl i liked last year. In the middle someone else came up and talked to me. I kind of blew her off though, then the first girl totally blem me off when she left. Maybe i should have talked to the girl who was actually showing interest in me and not the one that i was so curious about.

In thinking about all of this shit. i am stumbling on this bigger question of good and bad. I am thinking that all of these things i do that, may amke me feel bad, are ok. I cannot say where my life would be if i didn't make these mistakes. So maybe it is good that i made them. I have been thinking that maybe instead of telling myself that i am a pussy and should just conquor this fear to make a move on wemen, i should be happy with where i stand now. Maybe this so called bad thing about me, could create a Jon in the future that i would rather be.

Maybe i am overthinking this whole thing so that i don't have to conquor my fear. Or maybe i just have not yet figured out how i want to conquor it.
I'll tell you one thing for certain, i should seperated my body from my mind and reach out to imbrace the random, and whatever heaven my come...You know tool, lateralus.

Hey remember the whore ghost?


Wednesday 27 October 2004 at 3:49 pm

One comment

dude, overthinking seperates the body from the mind. they must be united always, if the bridge gets broken it can be excruciatingly hard to rebuild. be patient let your courage come to you. don't try to force it out, it may not be time yet. oyu might just confuse yourself. i've been doing a lot of overthinking lately too, and i've come to realize you cant force answers. you can only be open to leting them come to you at their lessure. at the right time. later dude, see you at the movie.
lord bearded
Wednesday 27 October 2004 at 3:49 pm


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