new APC has leaked. I caught a brief listen of one of the original songs ('passive') on the album eMOTIVe and much to my surprise, it's actually a studio version of 'vacant,' one of the rumoured tapeworm songs. they played the song when i saw them in portland back when mer de noms was just released. neat.

fucking rad.

new APC


Wednesday 20 October 2004 at 9:16 pm

Two comments

Here's somethin' else fuckin' rad:
"Hyrda Head has announced the signing of Big Business. The band features Jared of Karp and The Whip as well as Cody of Dead Low Tide / The Murder City Devils. The band has been touring up and down the West Coast throughout 2004 and will be recording a full length with Phil Ek (Built To Spill, Modest Mouse) in August for a January 2005 release."
Big Business is opening up for ISIS on some West Coast dates.
Wednesday 20 October 2004 at 9:16 pm
what the fuck are you talking about?
I thought that they were called eMotive and aMotion or something.
Wednesday 20 October 2004 at 9:16 pm


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