i have never, ever, nerver been rocked that hard before. the opening bands were questionable and DEP really rocked the shit out of everyone. I am beat up, tired and bruised. I elbowed a guy in the face as he tried to steal my lucky-leather bracelet. punkass.

here are some pictures from the dillinger set. note: i was front and center, i was using my phone's camera and i was getting the shit rocked/ kicked out of me.

also, there is a video for the subtle single. it's beautiful. watch it here.

dillinger escape plan


Monday 18 October 2004 at 02:08 am

Five comments

those pictures are fucking awesome. i think if they werent all blurry and streched you would loose the intense feeling of the show.
lord bearded
Monday 18 October 2004 at 02:08 am
and if the show wasn't so intense, well then it would just be the dill plan or something much less cool, you know wat i saying. l-)
Jon R
Monday 18 October 2004 at 02:08 am
oh yea i have a dillenger story. I was next to the mosh pit you know for most of the concert. But most of those people were pretty respectful and didnt fuck with me. but once the guy in front of me started getting wild, and somehow he got pulled down to the ground in the pit. on his way down he hooked his foot, i guess hoping to catch himself, and instead kickes me in the balls. hard. then his friend gets him up and safe, he says sorry about the nuts dude. Yea whatever fucker. i couldnt really move for a whole song. and when i looked around he was gone.
Jon R
Monday 18 October 2004 at 02:08 am
. . . the hourglass is never right side up . . .
Monday 18 October 2004 at 02:08 am
my farts smell bad!l-)
Jon R
Monday 18 October 2004 at 02:08 am


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