Sorry for the sheer lack of updates from Eric. After class, work and homework, all i really feel like doing is going into a low-level coma for the rest of the night. my head hurts.

anyway, things have been going pretty decent. I work hard and i party hard. a little too hard sometimes. I have a cold, but that didn't stop me from getting all dressed up and going to a cocktail party. I drank a few too many greyhounds, got a little too saucy. i'm full of regret. not really.

my new nickname is 'sober steve' for some reason. I didn't drink at all this week (unlike my roommates/neighbors [who drink every fucking night]) due to my cold and busy schedule. I don't really care, but when my roomies bust in my room at 5:30am and try to get me to 'hit the beer bong' while chanting 'sober steve,' i get kind of pissed off. oh well, what did i expect, living on the craziest street in corvallis. it's like a vortex of alchohol and craziness. whatev'

school is going pretty good. my classes are all pretty hard, but i'm getting back in the groove pretty quickly. we'll just see how i do on my midterms. yech.

i love you all. remember that.

That's what I'm talking about.


Saturday 16 October 2004 at 1:49 pm

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