A friend of mine and my dad's died today. his name is william and he had been fighting cancer for the past fifteen years. He died of a heartattack. beacuse of all of the drugs he was taking, his circulation was not working. I remember his arm being perpetually swelled up becuase of this. five years ago. or more. He was a lanscaper, and worked his ass off to make ends meat. He could not take time off for his pain. i also remember a time of this mans church shunning him for his marital disputes. It was very fucked up. I lost my dwindling faith in the Johava's Whitness church. Now he is dead. I wish him my best. I know that the burden of his life is now over. I always wondered where he found the strength for life. William has a daughter named whitney. she is 18 years old, lived and worked with him, and i am sure is completly lost in life right now. I Pray for this girl right now. her life will be completly changing. It makes me wonder what in our lives puts us in this place. All the optimism i can find is that she has (and in the past has had) the oppertunity to deal incredible struggle, this can make us stronger. She could do a lot of evolving now. She could become a great person, if she is not already one now. Greater. On the memory of my friend i wish her the best of luck. Godspeed Whitney.

to the memory of William


Wednesday 06 October 2004 at 9:07 pm

One comment

I would also like to pay homage to rodney dangerfield. He was an inspiration of a man...who got no respect.[-(
Jon R
Wednesday 06 October 2004 at 9:07 pm


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