What a whirlwind of a life i lead. insane. for the first time in my life, i truly feel that there aren't enough hours in the day to do everything that i need to do. crazy. my job coupled with my classes are slightly overwhelming, and if i didn't have the occasional 9 beer, homework-is-done celebration, i might just combust. for serious.

my classes, well, they are hard. it's going to be a ton of work just to keep my head above water, yet again. maybe i constantly overestimate the effort needed, but whatever, it always works out in the end.

CS311 - Operating systems I - i love this class. finally some formal instruction on shell scripting, *nix and all the other good, nerdy things i love.
CS321 - Languages and automata - wtf. i don't even know what the hell is going on. seriously, i havn't been this lost since the first time i saw a vagina.
CS361 - Software engineering - buisiness for anti-social computer nerds. lots of reading. fuck
WR327 - technical writing - i feel confident in this class, for some reason, i entertain the notion that i can write.

but, things are good. i'm loving it.

yesterday, my neighbors sat out on their patio with a giant sign that said "you honk, we drink" all damn day. the cars honked, they drank, i laughed.

the ex has been calling me. every 6 months she starts calling me, the cycle starts again and it's as if none of the crap has happened. she's hundreds of miles away this time and i'm closely guarding my heart -- i'm prepared.

i love diet coke. and joni mitchell. and all of you.

are you serious?


Tuesday 05 October 2004 at 12:40 am

Eight comments

let her wallow in her mistakes, that what she gets.

Have you seen dolphins getting chopped up by big-ass boats lately? . . . you might say I'm a dreamer.
Tuesday 05 October 2004 at 12:40 am
not enough time he says. I work 2 days a week, have three classes and cant seem to study, and instead sit around and do nothing. uncle eric, what do i do?
Jon R
Tuesday 05 October 2004 at 12:40 am
p.S. nice show jeryl, did you get my note?
Jon R
Tuesday 05 October 2004 at 12:40 am
I might start taking college classes this year for web stuff, I might move up to programming. it would be badass if i caught up to you, eric, but i know that that would never happen.
jon k.
Tuesday 05 October 2004 at 12:40 am
(oh yeah, i'm a freshmen in highschool. XD)
jon k.
Tuesday 05 October 2004 at 12:40 am
Im a IDIOT-I slept with my ex-girl then-A girl who was on coke on her friends kids top bunk bed-I forgot the condom and left it on the bed-before that I had sex with this girl on her little bro's bunk bed-bottom bed this time-I don't know how to guard my heart-you should give me some helpful hints dude-
Tuesday 05 October 2004 at 12:40 am
tallon do not gauard your heart, let it deal with all that pains it, it's love is endless.
Jon R
Tuesday 05 October 2004 at 12:40 am
Don't know how this works, but I guess I'll soon learn... Wanted to say High to all of you. Also Jon got the book and letter...thank you. Hope all is well. Are you guys coming up to Portland? If so let me know. And Tallon don't worry about gaurding your heart that will heal. Just make sure your gauding your penis (don't want to really get something that can't heal...if you know what I mean)
Tuesday 05 October 2004 at 12:40 am


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