Hey this is a special message to Eric, Ian and Wispy. I know this seems late, but i have finally finished paying off the bills. The ele took a long time to bill me for our final bill. Here they are:

Ian. $12 two dump runs
$6 carpet cleaner
$28 Ele = $46

eric- $28 Ele
And $25 for the previous months Ele, though my memory is hazy now i remember thinking you didn't pay this. = $53

Wispy. same as Ian = $46

You guys can send them to my dads house, e-mail me for address. If there is a problem tell me. but I assure you that even though they are so late does not mean that I did not still pay all of these bills.

yo funbags!


Friday 01 October 2004 at 9:17 pm

One comment

yo take it out of my part of the deposit when you get it back. Give me call when you get it back so I can give you my address to send it, cuz I need money bad!
Friday 01 October 2004 at 9:17 pm


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