On New Years I apperantly:
Kicked my friends girlfriend in the face, after pinching her ass
Slammed a door into my face, leaving a cut above my right eye
Did a double handed vagina reacharound grab
Stuck my tongue down any mouth that I saw, icluding some people down town
Had a little fifteen year old 80 pound girl sitting on my lap for most the night
Was quite persistant about trying to get my little brothers ex-girlfriend into bed with me (although to be fair, she kept making out with me)
Harrassed a police officer
And thats just stories that I've heard from my roommates, there are many other people I came into contact with I'm sure, not bad considering all that stuff happened before 9 oclock. The rest of the night is a mystery.
Anyway enough about all that.
Try to find "Contra" by Minibosses, it's sweet.
Stay out of trouble you sillies.