wispy is a bitch.

day off day today. it was wonderful. woke up at 11, took a shower, watched a movie, took a nap, talked to ms.wr222(she's a foxxx) and found myself on the internet. i'm living my dream of utter and complete laziness.

but, not really, i've been working a lot, i hate my job, but we have a new manager these days. he's a fucking great guy, i respect him, so i actually put forth some effort. perfect example: yesterday, i had to work a split shift 8am-12noon / 9pm-1am. now, generally, i would be pissed, but, on this occasion, it wasn't that bad. actually, the second part of my shift was fucking fun -- something work has not been in a long time.

so, the countdown is on. my birthday is on saturday. the big 21. i'm already bracing/flinching for the anticlimactic nature of it. should be good fun though. i think that wispy, my roomie, is throwing me a party at his house on friday, so, all of you, you are cordially invited. rock and roll.

so, basically, i got hooked on myspace. it's fucking great -- i keep running into people i havn't talked to in years, it's great fun. if anyone wants to add me to their list or whatever, czech me out here.

anyway, that'll do it for now. i love you all.

ps - do you ever get the feeling that your perfect verse is just a lie?

love like a movie.


Wednesday 21 July 2004 at 9:19 pm

One comment

The script did call for rain, but it was clear today...and so we faked it.
Wednesday 21 July 2004 at 9:19 pm


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