The truth is that when I feel good NOW, at this moment, that is when things are at their best. When I can think of a girl that I like and feel good about our relationship - Whatever that be - then things are at their best. Or when I can think about what has not happened with a girl. Or not be able to think of a girl, a special girl in my life, because there are none. And I can still be happy. This is when things are at their best. I would even go so far as to say that when I can think of any one of thiese things and feel sad, but accept it. Things are at their best.
As I think about my life sometimes I do think of things that could be. But quickly they become things that could have been. I don't want to do this. So when I think of the girls in my life, and of the relationships I have with them, I may still remenice of the past or wonder of what will, be and this is ok. As longs as I am still happy. As long as I stop and say, "who am I right now, and where am I". What I don't need is this thing called EXPECTATION to put bars around my future. My future has yet to be written. But what I feel and what I am NOW has been written, on the pages of the universe, on the back of god's hand. I think it is a good story. I wonder what direction it will take next.