like a tight woven thread of craziness, my new year celebrations went off without a hitch. craziness. i tied one (or 8!) on at ian's place (lazerbeams) and it was wonderful. as you can tell by his posted pictures, it was pretty nuts. ian is a par-tee-an-i-mal. yeow. so yeah, started around 7ish and by 10 o'clock, i was a mess. it was a fun night though, i got a kiss from a random girl on the plaza and one of the roommates (m.c. kibbles) friends was necking on me before she passed out. i think he was kind of pissed off about it. whatever.

i met a girl named isis. she's not nearly as cool as the band.

but yeah, work is done and there's nothing left to do but return to the soggy yet wonderful streets of corvallis. i've been thinking about staying up there this summer instead of dicking around the valley. i don't know if i can affoard it. i'll have to go job hunting.

now playing: 'we could be so happy' by jeff buckley.

if i never hear "this is your night" by la bouche again, i'll die a happy person.

but yeah. that's it. i leave on saturday. i went on a blind date; it sucked. this post is pointless.


ps- i love you.

feel no shame.


Friday 02 January 2004 at 12:25 am

Three comments

Sweet Dreams by Le Bouche, and that song scores a many a hot poon.
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