Nothing much is going on. We went and picked a bunch of blackberries today... anyone want some pie? This Krumping thing is getting way out of control. You "krumpers" are fucking retarded (that is not meant to insult the retarded community). Don't you have anything better to do with your life then post on this site. Get a fucking life.
My sister Liz and her friend Rose are staying the night tonight, so is Tallon. Humm... maybe i should lock him in the pantry?? Just kidding Tallon. Not really...

too young tallon, too young...


Monday 12 July 2004 at 11:23 pm

Twelve comments

Tallon Your a stuppid white ass faggot h8er who can't fight or krump beyatch-If ya could ckrumpez I would krump fight you!
Krupin A- and Im out fuckfaces
Monday 12 July 2004 at 11:23 pm
Hey krupminiscoo, who the fuck do you think you are. I realize there is a war goning on here, between you krumps and the cool motherfuckers on this website. But don't you fucking drag my good friend Tallon's name through the mud. He is an innocent bystander. And you direct your attact at him. You are fucking pathetic and should be ashamed of your self. Tallon has said nothing about you crocksters (of shit), and he is hurting no one with his two sisteen year old girlies. So the next time you have something to say, krumpmini, be a man and look the person in the eye before you strike, if you know what I mean.
Jon R
Monday 12 July 2004 at 11:23 pm
fuck you nigga, tall is a fag, yo, yo.
And what up to my nigga 2pac
krump star
Monday 12 July 2004 at 11:23 pm
I am about to shove my foot up your asses for krumping.
T-roc you awesome
Jon R
Monday 12 July 2004 at 11:23 pm
wee, wwee weeeee, all the way home, and a krump in the junk wit a big ol' jump, to you sis=ta.
Monday 12 July 2004 at 11:23 pm
yall don't get krump, all, yall's getz is Tallons herpies, and those two little cheekaz tooz.
krump ster
Monday 12 July 2004 at 11:23 pm
If i had a quarter for every time, I'd have half the time...Hlf the time!. So goo eat some poo.
Jon R
Monday 12 July 2004 at 11:23 pm
one of thoose two little "cheekaz" is my sister "krump ster", if you dont have anything intelligent to say shut your fucking mouth. your life is a joke, and the sad part is you do not even realize it.
Monday 12 July 2004 at 11:23 pm
Shit, sorry about that sarah, I mean I am sure krump ster is, I am sure it was a typo, or he didn't realize she was fourteen. But If i hear another word from that fuck, I will look up his IP address, hunt him down, and give him an ass whompin, and some vd's, myself. >-(
Jon R
Monday 12 July 2004 at 11:23 pm
Jon is a evil masterminded genius-he keeps responding to his own posts-gotcha sucka-O.M.G.F.M.B.D.( oh my god fuck my brains dead)
Monday 12 July 2004 at 11:23 pm
if u krump it is almost a better expeirence then sex when you have a krump session TALL if u know it better then laying on your but with nothing to do acting cool at school if that is what u call it and not be your self like us krumpers
Monday 12 July 2004 at 11:23 pm
if you think krumping is better then sex then you sure as hell aren't having sex properly, are you sure your'e sticking it in the right hole? because that could be you first problem.
Monday 12 July 2004 at 11:23 pm


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