It was a hot August day in Bakersfield California. I had just finished watching the macho-man beat the shit out of hulk hogan, when I decided to go outside for a pee. Being only 4 years old I walked out the door, stood on the grass and started pissing... have to understand that I had AMAZING pressure, I could easily piss over a cadillac if I pushed enough. So anyway, I'm on the grass pissing when I begin to wonder just how high I could pee into the sky. I grabbed my little pecker and pointed it up at about an 82 degree angle and pushed with all my might. The urine peaked out at around 13 feet and boy was it glorious! I was so amazed that I wanted to look down at my dick to see how I could do it. As I turned my face down to look at my junk a stream of high pressure urine flooded my nose and eyes. I then cried, and my brother Ben punched me. Then I took a bath, and that is why I bathe so often today.