So my friend had her child today and as she suspected he was born with some problems. She was on a lot of meds when she got pregnant with him and it cause some birth defects including respiratory problems and that his hands are severely deformed. His father is an awesome musician and so is his whole family, it's a very integral part of that families relationship, so his dad is really torn up about this, which I accually find kind of sad. I wish her the best and hope that he is well, it's always sad to watch people have to deal with things like this, especially when it involves a child. I'm sure he will adjust and overcome, and be fine. I hope.
We saw Fahrenheit 911 a couple weeks ago and it just mad me sad. The things our government gets away with sickens me. Our civil liberties are no longer being upheld. The worst of it is that people actually except this because they would rather be safe. Safe from what? The lies that we are told are outrageous. While no matter who our government consists of I'm sure we will still be lied to. Democracy is not about picking between the two evils but today that is what we are unfortunately faced with. Bush is a liar, another 4 years with him in office will demolish our freedoms and rights, get him out so that maybe one day we will not have to choose the lesser of the two evils but rather the person we feel we want to represent us as a country. Vote! I'm done ranting.
Hey Eric 6 months is good time for me catching up too speed. Now that you mention it though I think I do remember you telling me you had that MP3. E- Mail me those stories I would love to read them, I can't get enough of that guy. If you like him try reading Irving Welsh (sp?) as well, he's a good one too.

Vote Damit...


Thursday 08 July 2004 at 6:16 pm

Three comments

Hey I think I am going to vote for Denis Kucinish, He seems like a very down to earth guy, and not a liar. I saw him in person and saw no lizard charstics. I also have a video of a speach he did in santa cruze with a few others. Fucking awsome. Logical, funny and metaphysical. If anyone wants to borrow it please e-mail me. Or ask.
Thursday 08 July 2004 at 6:16 pm
while kucinish would probably make a great president, he will not pull enough votes. that is what i mean by picking the lesser of the two evils. kucinish does not stand a chance, and i have a feeling he will have thee nader effect, pulling votes away from the front running democrat and causing bush to be re-elected. its sad, but i feel that the most important issue is to get bush out of office. i will be voting for kerry even though i do not fully agree with him. everyone is most certainly entitled to their own vote and im glad that you are voting jon, it makes me happy :P
Thursday 08 July 2004 at 6:16 pm
Hey Jon, can I borrow that video
Thursday 08 July 2004 at 6:16 pm


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