So at this moment in time I'm still really into Chuck Palahniuk, the problem is I've read all of his books (Lullaby, Fight Club, Survivor, Invisible Monsters ect...). So when I heard he was doing a reading of a short story that was making people at his book signings faint I was curious. I kinda forgot about it, until today. Eli has been making fun of me for reading girlie magazines lately, he says I have a "problem" so I went to pick up a magazine today and decided to go with Playboy in order to keep myself from being teased all night. What do you know, the fiction article was "Guts" the story by Chuck that I had been wanting to read. Did it make me pass out? Of course not, but it's an awesome short story I'll tell you that. Anyway I went online and found a link if you like his work you will love this. If you have never heard of him before read it. Also Mike Doughty of Soul Coughing (he has also done a lot of solo work) put out a great poetry book a while back called Slanky that I would recommend anyone who enjoys his lyrics to read. "Sound against the equal sign" is amazing... go find it.

Good Stuff...


Wednesday 07 July 2004 at 9:28 pm

Three comments

Thanks for the site sarah, That story was really good but...
I don't recomend that anybody eat while reading it-I've seen a lot of fucked up shit and read a lot fucked up shit-I just lost my appetite-I think a normal person might shit themselves or something
Wednesday 07 July 2004 at 9:28 pm
christ. i got through like, 1/4th of the story and couldn't even keep reading. :-S
jon k.
Wednesday 07 July 2004 at 9:28 pm
sarah, welcome to like 6th months ago. i put an mp3 on the site awhile ago, it was a live bootleg of chucky actually reading the short story (thusly, i am the winner). also, if you are interested, i have like 100 short essays by that cat. h4wt h4wt.
Wednesday 07 July 2004 at 9:28 pm


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