How is it that women have the mindboggling power of turning a fun time into something quite the opposite in the matter of seconds? Why is it that they feel like they should do this? It cant wait till later? All our friends are here! WTF!?! All our friends are getting pissed! They dont want to hear this! Fuck! Lets talk about it when we get home! Lets talk about it tomarrow when we are sober! FUCK! FUCK! Why?!?!
I can see myself in ten years walking around poor and destitute, with only some whitey tighteys and a T- Shirt that says FUCK WOMEN.
Those are the only things I wouldn't pawn off at that point.
Women are like leaches they aren't happy with just your efforts and energy and love, they just have to keep on going till there is nothing left besides a wrinkly scrotum in a sandwich bag. THEY. SUCK. YOU. DRY.
(drunk comments, may not be intelligent).
sweet bitches......fuck..em all!!!