The only problem with getting up this early is that i usually don't get enough sleep. Because i don't go to bed early enough. This is helped out by the fact that i often get woken up by noisy roomates. Namely Zac. Zac is alyways the one to wake me up. He seems to yell instead of talking when he is drinking and trying to be cool. Last night he was giving two girls a tour of his room, (this is badass i must say though) then he takes them outside to where my window is open and talks, no yells about some bullshit.
It is okay though, because this morning my alarm went off at five a.m. with queen blaring we are the champions, i let it play as loud as i could. Then i said good moring to him, though i knew he was still sleeping at night. He he he. Childish I know, but funny, "we are the champions, my frie-ends".
Well happy fourth, motherfuckers, and...
God bless our freeeeedommmmm!
Here in Amerriiiccaaaaaa!