
we're back. it's official. things have been pretty crazy for me the last few days, and i got that old feeling in the base of my spine that told me 'move to a new host, bring endysis back to life.' most of the links don't work yet, but i'll get crackin' on that. i've built this site up from the ground in just under 48 hours. yay me.

it was crazy, my host was a piece of shit. the e-mail accounts didn't work for a good 6 months and he would never respond to the letters i sent. piece of shit. but, it was a good price for the ammount of space that i got.

we're here now, on siteflip.com, a radass host, it's cheap and reliable so far. great stuff, MUCH more smooth the 'old and busted' that we once were.

and yeah, new system, no more greymatter, pivot is the 'new hotness'

anyway, it's late and i'm broken. a lot of crazy shit has happened in the last week. i'll explain later.

until then, enjoy.

i love you all.

out of the way


Thursday 11 December 2003 at 05:03 am

Five comments

this is a test of the comment form.
Thursday 11 December 2003 at 05:03 am
fabulous job, eric. i know i am more than thrilled to have it back. thanks for sticking with it.
Thursday 11 December 2003 at 05:03 am
time test...
Thursday 11 December 2003 at 05:03 am
time test 2...
Thursday 11 December 2003 at 05:03 am
nice... very nice
Thursday 11 December 2003 at 05:03 am


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