worst day ever. that's all i have to say. i hate work. worst day ever. EVAR.
first off, my two managers walked off the job today, both head and assistant. that means no leadership which leaves me in a strange spot, i've been there the longest of anyone and i know the computer system and the store policy the best so that means:
eric plays manager for a day.
well FUCK that.
over the course of the day, i:
1- was called a 'piece of shit' by 4 different guys.
2- was threatened with legal action.
3- had to listen to blink 182.
yeah, it sucked, and at the end of the night, we were short about 300 some odd dollars. it's not even anything anyone could have stolen, it was credit card invoices. fucked. 11 hour days rock.
other than that things are great. i ate a pretzel!
well, i'm off to do some taint punchin'