driving home tonight i had to swerve to miss five cats in a two block radius. they were all running in the same direction. i think something is up with the neighborhood cats...

saw eric today. first time in forever. i miss you, buddy! got to see aaron a few weekends ago, too. that was fun. hopefully i'll get down there to see him again more often. and you too jessi! spring break is turning out to be very uneventful. in a good way, i suppose. it's nice to be home to see the family and my friends since i won't be home again for a long time. sarah told me today that the only reason she came home for break was because she knew i was gonna be here. that definitely made me feel good.

yeah, this post is pretty much going nowhere. i just figured i'd drop in, say hello, blah blah blah.

anyone doing anything exciting this weekend?


kitty convention


Thursday 25 March 2004 at 01:00 am

Three comments

yes, debbie, it was awesome to finally meet you. it seems that we bonded in our two hour, deep conversation about stories from our past. great times. come again soon.
Thursday 25 March 2004 at 01:00 am
I'm going bowling.
Thursday 25 March 2004 at 01:00 am
i'm going bowling too, but not until tomorrow night.
Thursday 25 March 2004 at 01:00 am


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