because i certainly didn't. tonight was the opening of the show. it went ok, no major mishaps. so i get back to the building and most everyone i run into says "how'd the show go" or something to that extent. i walk into my room.... nothing. not a "hi" or a "how was it" or anything. silence. complete and utter silence. i don't think she even realizes i'm in the room, actually. she certainly hasn't acknowledged it. ouch. not a fun feeling. but in the last two days there have been two very high points in my life. the first: getting a 14.5 out of 15 on my expos paper!!!! the only downside to this is that now he'll expect high quality writing from me each and every time, and i have him for two classes (which, strangly enough, i have papers due in each of them, and they're both due on the same day. lame. secondly, i got to do nothing but dance in spanish today! that's it. salsa y merengue. fun fun!

that is all.


did you hear something?


Wednesday 10 March 2004 at 11:11 pm

One comment

Hey, rad.
Wednesday 10 March 2004 at 11:11 pm


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