i think i accidentally called job the other day when really i meant to call my brother. oops.

this time next week the play will be over. thank god. i loved acting in high school. i lived for each new play we would do. and now i'm dreading it. i miss my light booth, i miss being able to talk shit over the headset. perhaps it was the people i loved in high school, i don't know. all i do know is that i might be done once this show is over.

and i have to wear a stupid ass hat. ugh. he walked me up to my room last night. sat on the couch while i cleaned off my bed and got ready to go to sleep. then we just layed there for awhile, nothing doing anything, just talking. i don't even know how long he was in the room, don't know how late it was when i finally fell asleep. i woke up when he got up and said something to me, i don't know what it was. then he said "goodnight sweetheart" and left the room. and for a couple of minutes i almost fooled myself into thinking that this was something completely normal, that it could be like this every night. but it can't. because he's got her, or she has him, or they have each other, and once again i'm left to watch it work out for someone else.

it's a terrible curse, wanting things you can't have.


and then nothing


Tuesday 09 March 2004 at 08:48 am

Six comments

you think it will get better, and maybe it will some day, but sometimes it doesn't for a long time. prepare for the long haul.... and spend it with people who care about you. :-)
Tuesday 09 March 2004 at 08:48 am
when life give you shit, make shit-juice. :-D
Tuesday 09 March 2004 at 08:48 am
that is the most disgusting thing i've ever heard....
Tuesday 09 March 2004 at 08:48 am
um, thanks eric.... i think...
Tuesday 09 March 2004 at 08:48 am
I don't have a phone, how could you have accidently called me?
Tuesday 09 March 2004 at 08:48 am
well, i never erased your old cell-phone number from my phone, and it's the first in the list, so instead of hitting the button to call my house i hit the one next to it, which is your old number. *someone* answered it, and apparently it wasn't you. don't know who it was though. oh well.
Tuesday 09 March 2004 at 08:48 am


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