I love it so far. I have met so many wonderful people and I’m sure that is why. I met a Japanese man named Kensuki who I am totally inspired my. A great hippy, who makes beautiful jewelry and buys and sells gems in different countries. And Sophie a life time traveler, since she was a little girl. She said a monk on her bus fell in love with her, and she showed me the gifts he gave her. After getting to know her I could certainly understand why.
And there was the Thai guy Pong, and maybe this fellow from San Fran sitting next to me. I traveled with Clair and Lauren on my first day, the 3 of us were alone before. We rented scooters and drove to waterfalls. And Mariam and Paulina like to drink! My oh my, I’m taking a break now.
I find I’m surprised by how many girls travel alone, and by how many people are here for 3 months or longer. I will say I have felt safe the entire time, and it is definable worth staying here so long I think.
I have been debating 2 things lately, I don’t know if I should voice them now or wait but I guess I’ll just do it now. I want to extend my trip and I’m thinking of buying a motorcycle in Vietnam. The latter will take more thought.
I will be in Vietnam on the first by the way. I fucked up on my visa planning but with a little change of plans and a 100$ plane ticket I’ll be able to enjoy my full month allowed.
I feel like my body and mind are healthier here. Though my stomach will beg to differ (with a combination of spicy food, bad yougart and a maybe to early switch over to tap water it’s constantly rolling). I eat a lot of sugar too. But my meals are smaller, and I enjoy them so much more. I think they are better balanced too. My brain feels clear as well. No petty thoughts of the everyday life I usually have floating through my brain. It’s simple out here. I’m looking for good food, conversation, and where to go next. I’m relaxed most of that time. I know that I will have to make money again but for now I’ll take this in.
P.S. it has been 35 to 37 degreese since I have been here. That is hot!