So I got to Japan about 3 days ago, I would say I am a little bored but really I have done a ton, it is hard to meet people sometimes, I think it will get easier after I get used to traveling. Tonight I met a real nice older Japanese man who I’m bunking with, Yuasa, he worked real hard to speak English with me, which I’m very thankful for. I’d say we talked about 2 hours and in that time I bought a bus ticket to Kyoto, and now plan to go to Osaka and maybe a little island called Naoshima.
Thought I do feel a bit lonely and like I spend most all of my time walking around, I have been challenging myself. I’ve been to a new city everyday and I have seen some really cool stuff. I’ve been letting my intuition guide me which has been great. This morning I found out Tokyo hostels were booked up, at least the few I checked so did some work on figuring out all these trains and got a ticket to Yokohama where I’m at, basically on a whim.
I have been using my intuition a lot wether it be getting un-lost in a city or deciding my course. On my first night here I went to sleep at 8pm mostly due to the time change and how much I partied the night before. So wouldn’t you know it I woke up at 3 am. I laid in bed till almost 5, then showered and broke out of my locked up house to go check out a temple I saw the night before on the way in. When I got there, no people, I kept thinking I’d see a guard or cop or something but not a one the whole time I was in Narita. Then around 530 or 6 people started to show up, so I followed them up a bunch of steps to a temple where there were buddhist or Shinto monks having church. A nice man invited me to join, I almost said no but came to my senses and went. It was about a half hour of chanting and ritualized flames, smoke, drums, prayers, and release; it was very cool. Later I found a maze of retired temples, gardens, forests, waterfalls and lakes all intermixed parts of one big holy place.
So as for where I stand right now? I walk so much. I guess that is what I do when I travel, walk! It’s healthy and I see a lot, but I’ll need to make friends to do things with during the days and some nights. I’m used to working to get time to think, now all I have is time to be in my brain, and I think I might go crazy! I also have not been out to eat once, which I’m fine with. The city I’m in is supposed to have really good Chinese food, so maybe I’ll get some tomorrow. And I’m sure I’ll have some restaurant Japanese at some point but at 10 to 15 dollars a plate I’m happy with 7/11 and supermarket food (and cliff bars), I’d rather spend the money on travel, and for the first few days I’m slightly under my 100 $ a day budget, woohoo!!!
Anyways things are going just the way they should be. I feel like I am adapting fast enough so that I can end up doing some pretty cool stuff.
Love you all