I am freaking out.
I have moved to Australia.
I have no career any longer.
I currently have about the same amount of self esteem as I did in high school.
I am losing my hair.
I don't think there is anyone in my life that doesn't find me to be an asshole.
I am becoming irrelevant.
I am becoming unmotivated.
I am filling up with fear.
I am full of regret.
I fucking hate Kanye West's new album and hate how much people love it.
I feel like I related to the movie "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" way more than anyone ever should have, especially considering the fact that none of the plot points in that movie have ever happened to me.
I am not proud.
I have grown to HATE my hometown and the majority of the people that live there.
I am finding it harder to be creative.
I am finding it harder to get positive reinforcement.
I am having a hard time finding people to have an honest conversation with.
I can't smoke cigerettes anymore without them literally causing sharp pains in my lungs.
I get hungover from 2 drinks now.
I am starting to hate my body.
I am starting to worry too much.
I am starting to feel like I don't communicate as well as I thought I did.
I feel like I'm a push over.
I feel like I'm too aggressive.
I feel like Im becoming my father.
I have less of an idea of what I want to do with my life than I did 10 years ago.
I really want to see Darren Aronofsky's Wolverine Movie.
Im really really really freaking out about aging.
I wish I could sit down and play video games without feeling antsy.
I wish I could win the lottery.
I wish I would stop whining.
I Love You!