Hi. I'm alive, in case anyone was worried that I might not be. I forgot how to get into EDO for awhile. But Eric is amazing and fixed it. Thanks buddy.

I've been laying pretty low the last few months. Started training for another marathon and will (hopefully) be completing the Eugene marathon on May 2nd. I might downgrade to the half marathon depending on how I'm feeling going into it, but for now the plan is to do another 26.2 miles. Then I think I will quit marathons forever. Or at least until I feel the need to do another one.

I decided to take the big step and apply to grad school. I turned in three applications and so far have heard from two of the three schools. I made the cut for interviews at CSU in Ft. Collins, but then received a lovely rejection email the next week. Then, just to make sure I really understood that they didn't want me, they sent me a hard copy of the rejection letter in the mail. Thanks, CSU, for covering all the bases. The other school I have heard from is a tiny Jesuit school in Buffalo called Canisius College. They accepted me. I have phone interviews next week for assistantship positions, because, you know, income while I'm in school would be nice, but it's not a guarantee. It's nice to just know that I am in somewhere and will finally be starting grad school in the fall.

It's also terrifying. By the end of the summer, I'll be living somewhere else. No more Portland, I'll probably be all the way on the other side of the country in a place I don't know with people I don't know... I think this is supposed to be really exciting, but I'm honestly terrified. At least when I was an undergrad I knew a couple people going in. This is going to be totally different. But the way I see it, this is the perfect time in my life to do this. No real strong ties keeping me here, I don't have a family or a home, I can just pack up and move for a few years and get my master's then decide where to go from there. I'm gonna hope that this all works out for the better.

I leave on the 21st for a month long school that I have to attend for work. I'm not very excited about it, in spite of the fact that it's in Hawaii. Everyone tells me I'm crazy for not being excited about getting to spend a paid month in Hawaii, but in all honesty I have never had any desire to go there. I hate sand. It's an island. There will be sand. And I'm going to have to live in a hotel for a month. Gross. At least I get the room to myself. Maybe I'll even manage to get a tan. That'd be neat. I forsee myself spending a lot of time alone, although I do know two people who live on that island, so hopefully I'll get to see them. I don't go out of my way to try and make friends with military people. Not my cup o' tea.

So here is my question for you all: I will be in need of a new computer in the next few months. Should I spend the extra loot and get a Mac, or should I just stick with the good ol' PC?


I hate sand.


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