It's one of those days. I don't know why. I woke up a bit late, rushed to get into work only to find that the few inches of snow had turned into a few sheets of ice. After Tokyo drifting my car into work, I find that 95% of people decided to cut and run -- I was one of 3 people in my area, which is quite sizable. Not only was I lonely, but the heat was off in my section of the building. I spent all day wearing my winter jacket and typing with my (fingerless) gloves on. I just couldn't stay warm. Plus, I knew that when I got off, I'd have another half-hour, slick-as-shit drive home. In the dark.

Luckily, I made it home in one peice, but not without some swearing along the way. In these parts, snow brings out the tards. For serious.

But yeah, I'm in a funk today. I don't know why. Ms. Kim seems to think that I need to drink more water. Personally, I think I'm not getting enough phosphates in my diet. She's probably right. But think about it. Phosphates ...

Gangsterlisous09 (5 days ago) +2:
"a time when rap was still good"

Also, just for good measure.

So, what is new with me? A lot. It's been a month since I last posted. I suck. Big time.

Thanksgiving was spent in the company of family and friends, but prior to getting there, I had to brave the 280-odd mile stretch of I-5. Even thought I implemented my ultimate driving techniques, the traffic was still ungodly bad. It always is on the day before Thanksgiving. And that is what makes it hurt so much more -- sitting in stop and go freeway driving knowing that I'm a dumbass for expecting anything else. A big backcatalog of mixtapes makes it easier to take, though.

Speaking of mixtapes, The Hood Internet dropped their third mixtape. Always good for a chuckle.

Anyway, my wonderful mother prepared the most glorious Thanksgiving that I've ever been a part of. She is a great woman. We all drank wine, ate like European kings and immediately retreated to the couch and floor for a nap. I woke up 45 minutes later, next to the fire, Ms. Kim wrapped around me with Mr. Buckley playing in the background. I'm thankful for that moment.

In the days following, I spent some quality time with one of my dearest friends. Woefully estranged, we've kept in 'slight' contact over the last 7 years, which is sad. We were totally inseparable in our formidable high school years. Anyway, he's married and about to be a father, which still freaks me out. To celebrate the eventual birth of his child, we drove off into the woods and fired many a firearm whilst talking the finer points of not being broke highschool kids and our mutual love affair with bottle rockets.

My favourite shoes as of late. Subtle NES reference. Perfect for shoe nerds.

There were a few evenings spent with T-bag and his wonderful girlfriend. Many GRAPE DRANKS were drank and many laughs were had. Jon Raby and Bearded Jon both showed up as well, which was awesome, but also makes me sad. I would take a bullet for them folks, but I so rarely get to see them. Distance brings pain.

So yet again, our visit came to an end and we traversed the dreaded pathways back to Beavertron and then went to work. Bummer.

I finally got the opportunity to see the ever-so-talented Jimmy Gnecco with Ours. I discovered them a long, long time ago and have always desired to see them live. Circumstances have aligned against me twice prior, but I finally succeeded. It was worth the wait. Tight band with some remarkable vocals. Good stuff.

I just finished up a decent freelance gig. Second website for the same client. It came out nicely and I got paid handsomely as well. Good times. Since I have a few spare braincycles, I finally reworked my portfolio site. I'm finally making use of I've have been working on it on and off for about a year. It wasn't until I discovered the most wonderful Symfony framework that I was able to knock this site in the elegant, easy fashion that I had been attempting. Time for sideprojects is exceedingly slim. Frown.

I've been slanging a lot of shit on Craigslist, which is always entertaining. I prefer to deal strictly through e-mail, as phone calls with random people on the internet who want to buy used things can be taxing. I was trying to sell this shitty dog kennel that the previous owners of this house left. I was asking a reasonable price, but was immediately bombarded by a few lowballers.

"Hi, i am interested in your kennel, but i can get a BRAND NEW one that is 6ftH by 71/2ftW by 13FtL at Home dopot for only 149, so you HAVE to come way down in price. Call them if you dont believe me. Im not a lier. My hubby and i only have on income and we are supporting my mother as well. So you will need to take lower, since its used, $100. WHatever you make its more than you had before considering you did not even orginally by it!"

I know she has a point, but man, the tone. And the typos. Wow. What a bad way to go about things.

I really feel like I should have found out about this earlier.

For the holidays, I'm taking a whopping two weeks off. What do I plan to do? Not much. I have a long list of little things that I've been putting off. I think I'm going to dive deep with a Flex 3 (yay) and potentially start drafting up some documentation for MTC. We'll see. I also have a bunch of stuff I want to do around the house, like paint my office and run some cables through the creepy-ass crawlspace.

Anyway, I'll keep y'all posted. I love time off. Especially two weeks of it. Yee fuckin' haw.

December Blues


Monday 15 December 2008 at 6:52 pm

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